Alphatypoglyphic! Playful New Perspectives on the Alphabet.

Check out Alphatypoglyphic! Playful New Perspectives on the Alphabet. Thursday, February 5, 2015 — Santa Monica , CA…/…/ “The alphabet does a lot of heavy lifting for us every day, most of it pretty mundane. But it also has a quirky sense of play, and this is something Type Designer Rod Cavazos explores with obsessive [...]

FontBake № 7

Thanks to Creativity Explored for hosting our October Doodlefest this past Saturday. It was a wonderful and well-attended event, and the creative flow was amazing. Here are some snapshots, and the results of the collective Fontbake Seven everyone contributed to.№-7/ The FontBake is one of a few events centered around Doodlefest, hosted by PSY/OPS [...]

FontBake (August 14)

Check out out the results from the most recent FontBake. A group font-building session where each participant draws and contributes a few experimental letters to the bake. The FontBake is one of a few events centered around Doodlefest, hosted by PSY/OPS Type Foundry and Alphabetic Order. Doodlefest is a fun, free creative meet-up offered [...]

May 2014 Doodlefest: Collaborative Quick-font

At this month's Doodlefest, our inspired guests teamed up to create a truly unique group font. :: Doodlefest is a fun, free meet-up offered in San Francisco by Alphabetic Order + PSY/OPS several times a year. Want to join in? Like us on Facebook and we'll keep you posted on upcoming sessions.

An Intensive Type Design Workshop

PSY/OPS is now holding type design workshops through its academic wing, (The) Alphabetic Order. Next up is the Type Design Intensive, a comprehensive two day workshop exploring each phase of the font development process — from concept to completion. The first session begins Saturday October 12th (the second session is the following Saturday). There are [...]

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